August 9, 2021

Leave Your Competition in the Dust with TopRank

It’s no secret that every bit of traction you can get in the marketplace counts, and guess what? The same holds true for your competitors, which is why you can be sure they’re always trying to stay one step ahead of you, too. And in the affiliate channel, ranking matters–a lot. 

Get this: The top three positions on ranking and review sites receive up to 90% of the traffic. That means fourth place isn’t going to cut it, not by a long shot. Optimizing your strategy over time is the key to survival, but in order to do that you’ve got to first know where you stand–and why. 

That’s where TopRank comes in. 

What is TopRank?

TopRank is one of our proprietary software tools that enables you to achieve a holistic view of your market share in relation to your competitors across the entire affiliate landscape.

What does TopRank do?

First and foremost, TopRank gives you a high-level view of how you’re stacking up against the competition–but it doesn’t stop there. 

TopRank gives you:

But isn’t Affiliate Marketing a Set-It-And-Forget-It Solution?

Absolutely not! When it comes to the affiliate channel, there is no such thing as auto-pilot.

What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow. Really. The one and only constant is change. Trends, tactics, tools, and strategies must be regularly monitored and optimized accordingly–and probably, more frequently than you think–and TopRank can help identify when and how to pivot. 

Ready to maximize this effective marketing channel? Check out our quick “Horror Stories from an Affiliate Marketing Insider” video. We’ve covered a lot of ground in this short 10-minute video about things like:

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