FUSE Incrementality™ Index Power Rankings

Welcome to PartnerCentric’s FUSE IncrementalityTM Index Power Rankings report, an exclusive, ongoing analysis that utilizes PartnerCentric’s proprietary incrementality insights to help crystallize which partners and categories create genuine business growth. We hope you find these insights valuable as you plan your own marketing investments for 2024 and beyond!

Top 10 Most Incremental Publisher Categories in Jan-Feb 2024

Niche Content – 89%

14% compared to Q4

Content/Editorial – 87%

7% compared to Q4

Email Marketing – 84%

8% compared to Q4

Service Provider – 83%

3% compared to Q4

Buy Now Pay Later – 83%

9% compared to Q4

Price Comparison – 82%

26% compared to Q4

Content/Blog – 80%

3% compared to Q4

Loyalty/Rewards – 75%

1% compared to Q4

SubAffiliate Network – 72%

9% compared to Q4

Closed Portal – 72%

Flat compared to Q4

Decoding the Metrics: Incrementality by Publisher Type

This detailed Incrementality Index table presents an in-depth ranking of leading publisher categories, evaluated by various scores that form the complete Incrementality Index, along with metrics for return on ad spend and conversions. PartnerCentric teams have utilized this analysis to pinpoint optimization sweet spots, employing a comprehensive range of KPIs that enhance overall business growth and vitality. Refreshed data loading now – wait for it!

High Performing Categories:

Email Marketing:

Email marketing consistently performed well across all months, indicating its effectiveness in driving incrementality. Encourage clients to invest more in email marketing partnerships and explore opportunities for targeted campaigns.

Mobile Traffic and Mobile/Tablet Application:

Both categories showed high incrementality scores, suggesting a strong impact on user behavior. Emphasize mobile-friendly strategies, such as optimized landing pages and exclusive mobile promotions.

Social Content and Social:

These categories demonstrated high incrementality scores in January and February. Encourage clients to leverage social media platforms for affiliate marketing and create engaging content to capture user attention.

Seasonal Variations:

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL):

BNPL showed a significant increase in January, possibly due to post-holiday shopping trends.


Cashback also saw a spike in January, indicating the popularity of cashback offers post-holiday spending. Clients can tailor their strategies based on seasonal trends.

Price Comparison:

This category showed a notable increase in February, suggesting that users may be actively comparing prices during this period. Encourage clients to focus on competitive pricing and promotions in February.

Comparing 2023 Q4 to Jan-Feb 2024 

Opportunities for Improvement:

Diversification and Exploration:

Strategic Focus on Influencers:

Contextual Targeting:

Are your affiliate partnerships actually driving incremental revenue?

We can help answer that.

Incrementality analysis relies on data and statistical techniques to measure the true impact of marketing efforts. By basing decisions on concrete evidence rather than assumptions or intuition, businesses can make informed choices that drive results and avoid wasteful spending.