March 10, 2017

Controlling for Quality: How PartnerCentric Avoids Affiliate Marketing’s Bad Rep

We all know there’s fraud out there – in fact, it’s a huge buzzword in digital marketing right now. Truly, it is crucial that all affiliate marketers monitor the quality of their traffic and converters. Picture this: You are an e-commerce jewelry company. Your affiliate program is skyrocketing, revenue is strong and everyone is happy. But suddenly, all that jewelry everyone bought is being returned. All your beautiful converters disappear in a puff of smoke. This type of problem happens too often in affiliate marketing.

PartnerCentric takes an extremely vested approach to handling fraud. Below are just a few of the ways we ensure compliance:

Additionally, here are a few other best practices to prevent against fraud:

By incorporating these best practices, you will be on your way to having a strong affiliate program. To learn more about how PartnerCentric ensures that your affiliate marketing program maximizes ROI while protecting it against fraud, contact us.

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